Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Latest news from The Hayridge

Get Yourself Connected

In today’s busy, bustling times, it’s easy to get the feeling that you are being left behind by a world that no longer cares.  The Devon Connected Communities programme exists to make sure that that doesn’t happen. Connected Communities brings together volunteer agencies across the county and can connect you to people who can help with all kinds of issues, such as loneliness or depression, social care, disability relief, and much more. So if you are worried about being left behind, or know someone who might benefit from a chat with one of our experts, why not stop by? Connected Communities will be at the Hayridge
every Monday afternoon until the end of March.

Testing… Testing…

We’d really like to know what you think of our blog, so we have a special request for all our readers: use the contact button at the top left of the post to tell us how we’re doing. If you’ve got an idea for improving what we’re doing – or even if you haven’t! – drop us a line. And then we’ll know that the technology behind the button actually works (for a change…)

 Stop Press... It's just become clear that we hadn't enabled the 'comments' feature on the blog properly, so you weren't seeing the input box which allowed you to leave comments. Doh! Anyway, we've had another go and you should find that the comments box is working a lot better now. You'll find it at the end of each post. Just type your comment into the box, you can either submit your comment as "anonymous" or if you've got an account with Google you can log in to your account and submit your comment with your logon name visible. Press the "publish" button when you've finished typing your comment. We're just learning the ropes here in the blogosphere, but fingers crossed it's now all system go!  ...Stop Press End

The Books You Love

Our “Books You Love” wall is filling nicely. Do remember that if you’d like to try any of the titles recommended on the wall, we’ll reserve a copy for you, completely free. And there’s still time for you to recommend a book that’s inspired you, or made you laugh, or you just plain love, then do drop by and add to the wall!

Your Wish Granted… Chocolate Making

Well, our chocolate making session went smoothly, so half-a-dozen teen sweethearts got a personalised present for their Valentine’s day surprise (assuming the chocs made it out the door, which, frankly, we doubt…) We ran our chocolatey treat at the specific request of our teen group, whom we were happy to oblige. Do you have an idea for an event or activity? Just drop us a line, and we’ll do our best to grant your wish.

Mother’s Day Sorted Yet?

If not, don’t forget that we’ll be running a craft workshop for dads and kids this Saturday 21 February at 10:30 where you can knock together a little something for the mum who makes it all happen for you. It’s much more memorable when you make it yourself!


Sophie’s Choice

This month, Centre Assistant Sophie Ross talks about her love of Jane Austen’s timeless romances. Click here to see if Sophie’s sense and sensibility about Austen’s billets-doux are sufficient persuasion to make them emma-nently suited  for you to read (or watch) this month (Any more Austen puns and you’re fired – Editor). There's a great display of Jane Austen books in the lobby for you to choose from too!

Every Little Helps

If you are still undecided about starting any of Learn Devon’s adult education classes starting before the end of March, perhaps an extra 10% discount might help? Yes, 10% off if you enrol before the end of February on any course starting at the Hayridge between February 23 and March 31. Every little helps, as they say.

And Finally…

March will soon be with us and as March is the month of… hmm, we’ll let you think about that. Anyway we’ve got something a bit bonkers lined up for March, so do watch this space to see what good things will be happening here at the Hayridge!



Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Don't miss out on the excitement of this week's events.

The Skype's the Limit

This Wednesday morning, at 10.30, we'll be linking up with children's picture book creator Jonathan Emmett, via Skype. Bookstart has offered us this wonderful opportunity to welcome local pre-schoolers along for a fun morning getting to know the story Pigs May Fly, Jonathan's sequel to the tale of The Three Little Pigs. It's a free event but we'd love to know if you're coming as tickets are limited, so let us know if you'd like a place.

Watch this Space, and help to fill it!

Recommend a book you love, either a recent read or an all-time favourite. Write the book's name and author on a heart and pin it to our board for everyone to see. If you feel like explaining why it's such a special book, you're very welcome. We've got a selection of books in the foyer too, chosen by Sophie, so have a look and see if a Jane Austen or P.D. James title might capture your heart.

While You're in the Mood for Recommendations..

..this is your last chance to book on to our Speed Dating Event this Friday evening at 7pm! It's such a fun and lively way to share your love of books with others and discover great reads. Check out the events page on this blog for more details.

How many ways are there to say "I love you?"

Well, we're aiming for 101. We've hung up a washing line in the teen area, and we're eagerly awaiting your suggestions to fill it up. Come and get your peg and a heart from the front desk and share your ideas.