Wednesday, 20 July 2016


Aimed at people looking for work. 

We Offer help and support in searching for jobs, completing Application Forms, preparing or updating your CV.

We provide access to computers and the internet.

You can access the governments Universal Jobmatch site where you can search for jobs, update your CV, apply for suitable jobs.  All information can be recorded, which you will find useful if you are registered and claiming Job Seekers Allowance or other relevant benefits.

We have photo copying facilities.

Work Club at The Hayridge will recommence on Tuesday 26th July

Monday, 11 July 2016

Summer at the Hayridge

It's all happening at the Hayridge this summer, as we get ready for the Summer Reading Challenge which starts on July 16th. Over the years, schools have told us that children who continue to read over the school summer holidays consistently do better at school the next term. So it's a great way to keep young ones developing their reading skills an having some fun at the same time. There's a Roald Dahl theme this year, so roll up for the big friendly read!

Take the Underwater Challenge!

There's a submarine theme to the activities at the Hayridge in July, with activities and craft events for all ages, including a special story time on July 15th. There's a quiz and colouring activities to be found at the library counter, so come along and take part in the fun (and you don't even need a scuba suit!)


Axe Valley Festival 2016

Congratulations to chair of the Friends of Cullompton Library, Dorothy Anderson, who won the gardening competition with her library-themed garden! Check out the details here.




Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Travel the World at Your Library in February!

There's lots happening at the Hayridge this February, with collections and activities for everyone. Our theme this month is Books that Take You Places, so look out for things travel-related: a brilliant selection of fiction set abroad, as well as a selection of travel guides to help you plan your next break away from the soggy weather we've had to endure since the start of the year. We'll also be reading out extracts from a couple of travel-related books on Tuesday 23rd February at 2pm (with a cafĂ© special of tea or coffee and a biscuit for only £1), so if you'd like to be transported to a distant land, let the library do it for free!

Vexed by Vexillology?

That's the study of flags - but you already knew that, of course. Anyway, to develop our travel theme, we've put together a couple of flaggy quests for you to puzzle over. For little ones, we have a flag trail running around the library starting February 1st; and for everyone else, we have a flag quiz at the counter starting on the same date. And on February 18th 2-3pm, you'll be able to decorate biscuits with flags of your own. Now that's something to wave the flags about.

 Think you Know Devon?

If your travel preferences lie closer to home, we've come up with a little puzzler for you. We've printed a map of Devon showing the location of 20 towns or cities with a Devon library branch, but forgotten to print their names. Can you work the names out for us? It's harder than you might think! Have a go starting February 1st.



Make up a Postcard

One of the best bits about travelling is sending someone you know a postcard telling them how great a time you're having. Well, on February 16th (during half-term week) we've got a great kids' activity lined up: come in and design your own postcard for Cullompton, then mail it to us here at the Hayridge. We'll put all the cards we receive on display for the rest of the month. Stamps provided. Who knows, this could be the start of something big!

Fab Lab is Here!

On Friday February 19th (also during half term) we'll be hosting the fabulous Fab Lab - the fabrication laboratory. They'll be running two workshops for older children, bringing their incredible 3D printers to allow cool stuff to be designed on the computers and manufactured on the printers. The morning workshop (10am) will be about designing and building a (flyable) glider, while the afternoon workshop will be about racing cars. For more details, click this link. We've got limited places on each workshop, so if you're interested, sign up now!


 And Don't Forget...

All our regular events will be running through February, including Lego Club (every Saturday 10am), Coding Club (every Tuesday 4pm) and the Community Cinema on the last Saturday of the month. See all our regular events at this link.

Got an idea for a club or activity? Let us know and we'll do our best to make it happen!

Finally - a Fond Farewell

Centre Assistant Susie Tyler leaves the Hayridge at the end of January to pursue her dream of becoming a full-time illustrator. I'm sure you will all join me in wishing Susie all the best in her venture, and give her a big thank you for all the effort she has put in to making Cullompton Library a special place to visit over the last few years. Hopefully she will still remember us when her career has taken off and she's rich and famous!
