Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Love is in the air…

Yes, February, the month of all things lovey-dovey, is almost upon us, so we’ll devote this issue of the Hubbub to tell you about the events we’ve got lined up for all you romantics out there.

First up is our Speed Book Dating evening, on Friday February 6th at 7pm (tickets at the Hayridge counter). If you’ve never tried it before, it’s a hoot; you get one minute to talk about a favourite book to a total stranger, and then move on round. During the course of the evening, everyone gets the chance to talk to everyone else about their favourite book, so you’ll get the chance to persuade everyone there that the book you’re championing is worth a read, and they’ll do the same to you. You’ll come out of the evening with lots of reading recommendations – and who knows, it might be the start of a whole new chapter…

Recommend a Book You’ve Loved
If you can’t make our Speed Book Dating, you can always drop by and write details about the books you love the most on our display boards. Other people will be able to see what you like, and we’ll post a photograph on the Hubbub each week in February. And, we’ll order in copies of the titles you recommend so others can share your passion. So come, on, share the joy!

Design a Valentine’s Day Card
Thinking of sending a Valentine card to that special someone? Why not make it more personal and design one of your own? Show us your creations, and we have some super prizes lined up for the best entries. There’s four age categories:, Under 5, 6-11, 12-16 and 17+, so you have a great chance of winning. Entry forms are available at the Hayridge desk.

101 Ways to Say “I Love You”

Help us  write 101 ways to say ‘I love you’ by adding to our washing line in the teen area. Hearts, pens and pegs available at the desk.

 Mothers' Day Gift Problems? Sorted!

If you always struggle for ideas for something special to give mum for mothers day, look no further. We'll be hosting a "kids and dads" craft event on February 21st designed to guarantee getting you brownie points on the big day. Just remember to keep it a secret...

Your wish granted: Chocolate Making

After asking you to suggest ideas for events, our local teen group wanted to make chocolates for Valentines Day, and so we granted their wish! We’ll be running a session with them where they’ll be able to create their own chocolate selection complete with a handmade gift box, so it’ll be a special treat for a loved one (assuming any survive "quality control" tasting during the day...). If you’re aged between 12 and 16, feel free to join in the fun (you'll need a ticket), and don’t forget to tell your friends!

Vote for February’s Teen Film

Wanna watcha movie this month? Cullompton Youth Voice will be showing a teens-only movie, and want to know what you would like to see.  If you are over 12, fill in a slip at the desk or use the response box at the top of this blog post to make a suggestion by Saturday 8th February.  We'll show the film the following Saturday, 15th February at 11am.  It’s all completely free so it’s a fab way to come and chill out with your friends.

Meet Children’s Author Barbara Spencer

Here’s a chance to meet a wonderful children’s author, for free!  Barbara Spencer will be visiting the Hayridge on Tuesday 17th February at 2pm to talk about her latest book “The Amazing Brain of O C Longbotham.” Ask for your ticket at the front desk and come and hear about how Barbara puts her stories together!


Do-It-Yourself Weddings…

Well, nearly. But do check out these fantastic courses from Learn Devon. Learn some great skills to help you take an active part in your wedding planning:

23 February: DP0064 Digital photography: wedding workshop (£18)

25 February – 5 March: IT0681 Create your own wedding stationery (£36)

These are just the tip of the iceberg as far as adult courses are concerned, so do check out the website at www.learndevon.co.uk


Learn Devon will be hosting an introduction to their IT training courses this Thursday (29th February) at 1pm, so if you've wondered about what they might have to offer, or whether a course is for you, do pop by and they'll be able to point you in the right direction.



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