Monday, 2 March 2015

Taking to the Hair

The Hayridge goes Hair-Brained…

Well, we promised that March would be a bit bonkers - this month’s activities are all as Mad as March Hair! There’s a display of a hundred years of hair styles in the lobby, with some decidedly dubious looks that you might find all too familiar. We’ve also put out a display of hair-themed books in the lobby, so do check it out. Then we’ve got a hair-themed quiz, with a hair-related prize for the most correct answers, and for our younger visitors we’ve hidden in the library a number of film characters you need to identify just from their hair styles. The Children’s Storytime this month features - naturally – Hairy Maclary, and we’ve got a cracking craft event to go with that; check out our full events list for the date and time.

Crafts in the Lobby – Alison Whateley

For the next two weeks, we’ll be hosting the beautiful crafts of Alison Whateley, who has brought along some samples of her work – including a generous helping of Mothers’ Day gifts, ideal for that certain someone. You can buy any of the items on display, or if you’re looking for something just a little different, contact her directly at .

Gadget Day Revisited

Our January gadget day was a big success, so we’re repeating it on Monday March 16th at 11:00. If you want to know how to connect to our e-book service, or would like some informal help with your smartphone or tablet, just bring it along and we’ll do what we can to help! We can’t promise to sort out every problem, but we’ll have a go at whatever you throw at us...

Calling all Programmers

We’re still looking for a volunteer to look after our coding club, our out-of-school computer programming club. The club would most likely meet on a Saturday morning in our computer training room, and we’ve got some lovely programmable Lego lined up to make it a bit more fun. If you’re a programmer with some time on your hands, or if you know someone who fits that bill, do get in touch with us, we’d love to get this up and running to support the next generation of Web billionaires!
Fancy a Game of Scrabble?
A couple of weeks ago, we featured an article about Connected Communities, a charity that is helping lonely or vulnerable people to meet up or get help. They have helped two of the people in Cullompton to get together at the Hayridge to play Scrabble. Fancy joining them? If so, drop by on a Tuesday afternoon (around 2pm) and we'll sort something out. And we'll gladly buy any extra Scrabble sets needed to get you going, so there's no excuse!

Your Comments Appreciated!

Thanks to everyone who responded to our call for comments on the last blog post. We found out that we hadn’t correctly set up the Comments facility, and had to change the settings on Blogger to make it work properly. It’s still work in process, mind you, because the comment box doesn’t show unless you click on the link that says “2 comments” (or however many there happen to be) at the bottom of each post; we’d like to get it set up so the Comments box shows all the time. So if you know how to set up Blogger to do that, why not leave us a Comment…

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